Thursday, December 31, 2009


Hey guys, have a happy new year!!! Stay Lifted!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Well so much for her

She dumped me for some other guy, o well saw it coming.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sorry been busy

Hey guys, it has been a crazy couple of weeks. I have a new girlfriend, her name is Alyna and she is amazing. Well I guess I will blog about whats been happening lately. Mainly I have been thinking about where I am in my life. Things like where am I emotionally and spiritually, what am i doing with my life and how do I effect others. That last one is something I have been dropping the ball on lately. I really haven't been very nice to some people lately, and i know that I need to work on that. I really don't mean to be a jerk I just have been really stressed out about alot of stuff recently. Spirituality is something I have been putting MUCH thought into lately. If you are reading this and you know me you probably know that I am an atheist, if not well then surprise. Any atheist will tell you though that it kinda leaves a gap in your life. It really is a depressing thought that there is an end. They will also tell you that they channel those "god" feelings into something else. Some with music or some like me who go and confess their sins on a blog that probably no one will read. O well I'm going to go to bed now so till next time. STAY LIFTED!!! ohh and have a Merry X-MAS

Monday, November 30, 2009

My friend is an imbecile

Hey guys Im going to use you to vent some anger that is seriously eating me right now, I have a friend/ex and we are very close. So I think she is very stupid because she just got out of a very bad relationship with a guy that was like 4 years older than her and I told her that people that much older only want sex but does she believe me NO!!!!!!!!!!! So I get over that mistake and now she is going to go out with a guy the SAME age except he is a whiny bitch and blackmails instead of is physically controlling. I am very mad at her but still want to be friends, and I hope she reads this because if she does than I will go ahead and say that I never agreed to not blogging about this, ohh and btdubs YOUR STUPID!!!!! (btdubs is an inside joke) sorry I haven't put up any new poetry and I am going to write tomorrow. Stay Lifted!!!!

I am coming back

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting but with family in it is difficult to find time to write, Ill probably post tonight so worry not. Stay Lifted!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day

Hey guys, I don't know if im going to blog tomorrow so if not I just wanted to wish you a happy thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Check out this blog

Hey guys a friend of mine has a blog and you should definatly check it out if you like anime, its called anime lovers delight and be sure to follow it thanks. Stay Lifted!!!

Can anyone explain?

I was going to lunch today and saw a friend of mine crying, when I stopped to see what was wrong I found out that another of my friends had been cussing her out the class before. So I went to lunch to talk to the one who had made her cry and ask her what her deal was. I couldn't believe it when she told me it was because she was annoying, now I can understand that someone can be annoying at times but there is no need to be mean when someone is just living there life. I told her that she wasn't trying to be mean she just wanted to talk and my friend said that she knew and just "enjoyed being a bitch". Now can anyone explain to me why it is that our world has gotten the impression that being a bitch is a "cool" thing? I try my best not to make fun of those who do nothing to me and will stand up for a person in need but I just can't wrap my head around being mean for fun. O well I just need to write this to blow off some steam but I will write again soon. Stay Lifted!!!

Why do you hate

Why do you hate
She really isn't so bad
You have no real reason
To be so damn mad

If love is the answer
To the heart and the soul
I'm sorry to tell you
Your heart isn't whole

So please understand
That I'm still your friend
I just don't see the reason
For a fist, why not a hand


I can't believe your doing this
Your doing it again
Why won't you listen to me
I'm trying to be your friend

He isn't right for you
He isn't right at all
I hate to watch you do this
I hate to watch you fall

I tried to be the one
Who fought away your fears
I tried to be the one
Who wiped away the tears

I don't know why you do it
I guess you think its not fair
O well I guess its over
I guess I don't really care

Monday, November 23, 2009

A view on current poltics

Hey guys, I was in class today and was telling a friend of mine about the fact that I had begun writing a blog lately and he asked me what it was about. I told him it was about poetry, life experiences, and politics which made me realize that I hadn't posted anything on it yet. He asked me about what I thought of Obama and why. Well honestly I hadn't been really keeping up with the news lately because of my focus on getting a early return, so I did some research and this is currently what I think about Obama and what he has been up to. (I will try to get both sides good and bad) Well first of all I found it a great move to allow his first T.V. interview as president to be in a middle eastern country. I believe it was a symbol to the people to show them that they are not forgotten or being cast aside. On the other hand I think they may see it as a ploy to "shut them up" (yes I know that this happened almost a year ago). I did like that he opted to shut down Guantanimo Bay ,but on the other hand he needs to decide where he is going to put the prisoners after it is gone, and I do not think that they should release them because frankly if they had no reason to hate America before that they sure do now after torture. Well I know that this blog was short but I am out of time for now so I'll probably end up finishing this later but until next time. Stay Lifted!!!

Hate and Love

Hate and love aren't so different you know
They both need work if you want them to grow
If its true you will strive to show that its there
And that is proof that you really must care
No, Hate and love aren't so different you know
So why not switch them out and give it a go


I dream of a world
A world full of bliss
I dream of a world
A world not like this
I dream of a world
A world without care
I dream of a world
A world out there

I dream of a place
A place not like here
I dream of a place
A place without fear
I dream of a place
A place without hate
I dream of a world
I guess dreaming's my fate

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey guys

Hey guys, I guess I'll go on with my story. Well after I got arrested I went to the Gateway home school program. I must say that it sucked, I am a people person and the whole stay home all day thing really wasn't working for me. However I sucked it up and did it for about 11 weeks then I finished my 9th grade year. Well the summer went by and I had to go back to school and still had 27 weeks left of suspension and knew that home school wasn't going to work, so we looked into alternative school. To my suprize I learned that their was actually a early return program for good behavior and if you were good enough you can get a reduction in your suspension and be out in 45 days. I decided that was what I was going to do and set my mind on it. So I went to my new school, and met some new friends. It may sound stupid but I really did make some great friends and alternative school wasn't that bad all in all. I just stayed focused on my goal and made my requirements as fast as I could. The way that school worked there were 5 different levels based on how good you were. The levels (from lowest to highest) were O-orientation, L-learning, A-acceptance, W-willing, and S-succeeding. Different levels had different advantages like when you were on S (the highest level) you no longer had to wear a uniform. The main requirement for the early return program was you had to be on S level for a minimum 2 weeks which was the biggest challenge for me, especially since some of the other students purposely tried to get the S students in trouble. I however overcame this set back and stayed on S and made the other requirements as well, I did all of the drug counseling, the N.A. programs, and not to mention the paper I had to write. I made it out and got my early return and was the only one at the school to get it, I feel kinda bad because there were people who deserved it much more than me and they were my friends.

It was a very strange experience to come back, everyone I knew had changed and my senior friends were gone. Even the politics of the school had changed,but most of all I had changed. I matured a great deal in my absence from the school. The trivial things that seemed so important at one time I saw to be stupid and wanted no part of. At alternative school the people were much more mature simply because you had to be to survive. The last thing you wanted at alternative school was drama, because drama at alternative school ended with a fight and a fight there ended with you in handcuffs again. Well I'm going to get off of this and go get dinner but please subscribe if you enjoyed this. Stay Lifted!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My story (sorry if this post is a little whiny)

Well I'm a sophomore in High School in the Memphis area and was just let back into school. Last year I was a serious "Pot-head" and was caught by the police at my school with a dime bag of weed. I was suspended for 180 days from my high school. That is the opening to this story but not the half of it, I vividly remember the day i got arrested, I was in my 5th period science class and me and another person in my class (I won't say names) were shooting dice and I was winning, I ended up with 20 bucks and offered to just buy some weed cause he needed his money. So he handed me 2 small bags of pot and we left class, when I got in the hall i saw my friend (again no name) and walked up to him to tell him that I got some pot for after school. He asked to hold it so I handed him 1 of the bags which was my big mistake. Unknown to me at the time, there was a camera set up in one of the air conditioning vents on the ceiling. So i headed out to my last class of the day so excited for the afternoon to come. Sitting in class I was watching the clock waiting for the day to end, well with 5 minutes left till spring break I hear a loud knock on my classroom door and look up to see a police officer standing in the door. Everyone started looking at me and I didn't understand why. Looking back the officer I realized he was pointing right at me and telling me to come with him to the disciplinary office.

By this time I already knew what was happening, I was busted. As we walked the officer started telling me about how they had cameras throughout the school that no-one knows about. I felt like Winston in the book "1984" by George Orwell, when he found out that there was a camera even in the place where he felt most safe. It was a shocking experience to find out that I wasn't as untouchable as I thought, when I got to the office I saw my friend already there and sitting handcuffed in a chair. They searched me and found the weed, they cuffed me and put me in the back of the squad car. Me and my friend were making jokes the whole time trying to lighten the mood, like when my friend was getting his stuff back when he was being let out he asked the cop if he gets his weed back. However the cops didn't find it as funny as we did.

So after we were let out we were informed that we had been suspended from the school for 180 days. I went to home school but that is a story for another post, and my friend went to alternative school.

To be continued....

new blog

Hey guys, I'm Zach and i'm going to start a blog on this site and will probably update it every week or so (give or take a day). This blog will cover many things from views on political events to my life experiences. So i guess i'll start by telling a little about myself, I enjoy reading and am very outspoken on my views, I also tend to get myself into many stupid situations but can usually work my way out someway. I have great friends but they tend to be "dramatic" about everything. Well thats enough about me and I'm going to draw this post to an end (I'm running out of time and need to go somewhere) but i'll probably do a blog about it later. Till next time, Stay Lifted!!!